Top 20 Uses For Tea Tree Oil

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Top 20 Uses For Tea Tree Oil

Top 20 Uses For Tea Tree Oil

If you’re stocking a natural medicine cabinet, you undoubtedly have essential oils of all kinds. One oil that you will definitely want to have on hand is tea tree oil. This oil is inexpensive and has so many great uses that makes it a must for your home. Take note that tea tree oil should never be taken internally — it is ONLY for topical use and it should not be used on babies that are younger than 6 months of age.

1. Put a drop or two of tea tree oil in your main bottle of shampoo, shake it up and use. The tea tree oil will help repel head lice.

2. Use it to make anti-fungal and antiseptic cream. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with some coconut oil to make a homemade anti-fungal and antiseptic cream. This can be used on jock itch or athlete’s foot, minor cuts and abrasions, rashes, skin infections and other skin conditions.

3. Use it as a sunburn remedy. Rub some tea tree oil onto your sunburn for soothing relief.

4. All-purpose Cleaner — Put 1-2 teaspoons of tea tree oil in a spray bottle then top off with water to create a powerful all-purpose (and natural) cleaner.

5. Add just a drop of tea tree oil to some witch hazel and rub over your face with a cotton ball for acne treatment.

6. Deter fleas from pet bedding with just a few drops.

7. Treat your pets for fleas by mixing a few drops of tea tree oil and water in a spray bottle then spray them down.

8. Have a tick stuck on you? Put a drop of tea tree oil on it and it will release.

9. Use tea tree oil to soothe insect bites that are itchy or sore.

10. Add a few drops to a humidifier to help relieve symptoms of asthma.

11. Help relieve an earache by mixing 1 drop of tea tree oil and 1 teaspoon of olive oil then putting this in your ear.

12. Freshen up your laundry by putting a few drops of tea tree oil in your washing machine.

13. You can treat ringworm with a little tea tree oil.

14. You can make a bad breath treatment by swishing a drop or two of oil mixed with water. Be sure not to swallow any.

15. Treat nail fungus with a few drops of tea tree oil.

16. Dab tea tree oil on a wart to get rid of it.

17. A bit of tea tree oil can also remove skin tags.

18. Treat itchy rashes with tea tree oil.

19. Treat a cold sore with tea tree oil. Dab a bit on the sore 3-4 times each day until it’s gone but be sure not to get it in your mouth.

20. Add a couple drops of tea tree oil to some olive oil then rub on psoriasis patches.

Tea tree oil is a must have for your medicine chest — with so many uses for this essential oil, it’s easy to understand why!

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