How to Coupon Series: The Six Commandments of Couponing

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Like any pastime, couponing is a discipline guided by rules. Not all of the rules are hard-and-fast – some can be broken if they must – but they’re all designed to accomplish one thing: To help you save more money. Some of them are also designed to make you a better, more ethical and more polite couponer. And sometimes, that’s more important than saving 50 cents on toilet paper.


With that in mind, I’ve crafted the following “Six Commandments of Couponing” to help guide you on


  1. Thou shalt stack whenever possible – One of the first rules of couponing: If you’re not stacking, you’re not saving. Or at least not saving as much as you possibly can. Stacking is when you combine a store coupon with a manufacturer’s coupon in order to gain extra savings. Most stores allow it, and every couponer does it.


  1. Thou shalt not photocopy coupons – Printed coupons found online can, in most cases, only be printed once. And as tempting as it may be to photocopy those printed coupons (or make copies of clipped ones) to try to save more money, DON’T. It’s highly unethical and should never, ever, ever be done.

  1. Thou shalt use coupons with BOGO offers – Buy-one-get-one sales are one of the easiest ways to save big money. But why stop there? If you combine coupons with BOGO deals, you can turn that savings into a downright steal. Legally, of course!


  1. Thou shalt read the fine print – That tiny text at the bottom of the coupon is there or a reason. It tells you exactly which products the coupon can be used for, whether it can be doubled, and any limits on how many of the coupons you can use. In other words, that tiny text is important.


  1. Thou shalt not lose thy temper with the cashier – Cashiers are human. They make mistakes. Computers make mistakes, too. So if, during the checkout process, the cashier and/or the cash register tells you that you can’t use a coupon and you’re pretty sure you can, don’t lose your temper. Take a deep breath and ask to talk to a manager. With a little politeness and patience, things will usually work out in your favor.


  1. Thou shalt share coupons – Coupons aren’t meant to be hoarded like coconuts on a desert island. With that in mind, don’t be afraid to make another couponer’s day (or introduce a non-couponer to the value of clipping) by sharing unwanted coupons whenever possible. While you’re at it, feel free to leave a few unwanted coupons on shelves next to the items they belong with. Someone will use them, which is a lot better than tossing them in the trash.


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