Super Cute Owl photos!

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Super Cute Owl Photos

This post has nothing, and I mean nothing about saving money but everything to do with making you (and me) smile!  Ok, I lied…  I’ve updated this post with some amazing owl jewelry I found on Amazon for unbelievably low prices! I’m talking prices that start at $1.14! wow!

Owls are one of my most favorite creatures. I have yet to see a photo of a cute owl that I didn’t like. They are mysteries birds that come in all different shapes and colors.

Owls are common in popular culture. Western culture tends to attribute wisdom to owls or to associate them with witches and wizards.

In Indian culture, a white owl is considered a companion of the goddess of wealth, and therefore a harbinger of prosperity. The owl has been adapted as an emblem to reflect its implications of wisdom (Wise old owl) by a revered military institution in India known as the Defence Service Staff College. In colloquial use, however, it is commonly used to refer to stupidity.

In Greek mythology, the owl, and specifically the Little Owl, was often associated with the Greek goddess Athena, a bird goddess who often assumed the form of an owl. Athena was also the goddess of wisdom, the Arts, and skills, and as a result, owls also became symbols of teaching and of institutions of learning, being included in the crest of arms of many universities. In the Western world, owls continue to be traditionally associated with wisdom. They are the unofficial mascot of the high-IQ society Mensa.-

It doesn’t matter to me what the owl represents because it simply puts a smile on my face when I see photos of cute owls! Here are a few photos that I enjoy and thought you might too:

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This photo has got to be one of the most crafty food owl decorations that I’ve ever seen!  Absolutely precious, don’tcha think?

If you have an owl photo or you’ve seen one that you think we would enjoy, please leave a comment and a link!  I would appreciate it!

Here are some deals on Owl Jewelry I found:

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