Cheap Meals on a Budget

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Cheap Meals on a Budget

I am always trying to find cheap meals on a budget.  Cheap meals are not hard to come by but they usually will involve noodles or soup of some kind.  The hard part is finding cheap meals with some added protein that actually taste good.  I was a little hesitant to write this post but a friend of mine was over when I made it and she insisted I talk about it because not everyone knows this trick and she thought is was amazing!  So this one is for her!

Cheap Meals on a Budget

My kids could live off of Top Ramen noodles if I let them.  I do buy these noodles but not often.  I’m not too happy with the high sodium content and lack of protein so I consider it a rare meal until now!  I’ve created a few cheap easy meals that my kids and I agree on too!  This is the one other cheap easy meal that rates just as high as this one with my kids.  You definitely have to give it a try!

I added some protein to this fabulous meal by simply adding an egg or two to it.  I also use only half the seasoning packet too.  You can barely tell the difference!  I also sneak in some added vegetables.  By doing these 3 things I’ve made a healthier version of the normal cheap meal of Top Ramen!  But here’s the kicker, my kids LOVE it!!!

Here’s how I make a single serving:

On the stove top, I add water to a sauce pan, then I add the noodles.  Once the water starts to boil I add one or two eggs to the boiling water and veggies if you choose.   We usually use the canned veggies because they just need to be heated up.

Veggie Ideas:  chopped spinach, green beans, peas, chopped carrots, corn, or even edamame. If you have fresh veggies on hand, those work too but you may need to cook them longer.

If you like to make it in the microwave,  make sure you have a big enough bowl that is microwave safe that can hold all of the ingredients.  I add water but make sure you add enough to cover all the noodles, veggies and the eggs you put in it.  I never mix the eggs I just crack them and add them directly to the water.    When using the microwave we usually cook them for about 3 minutes (up to 3 1/2 minutes if you added veggies).

In both methods (stove top or microwave) we end up draining most of the water when it’s done.  Sprinkle half the seasoning packet on the hot noodles.

By draining most of the water you are reducing the fat.  By adding the egg you have added protein and adding veggies to any meal is always a great idea!

This is a perfect way to make a healthier version of cheap meals on a budget!  I have a college student and I taught her this a while ago!

In these photos I used the stove top method and added three eggs to two packages of Top Ramen and corn was our veggie.

Cheap Meals on a Budget

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  1. Love this recipe as I’ve been looking for Ramen noodle recipes. I’m with you in that it’s not exactly a highly nutritional meal, but we all have our weaknesses, right? Mine is Top Ramen.

    Ok, shouldn’t admit this right after making the Top Ramen weakness statement, but as a nutritionist, I’d just like to inform you of something not really well known among the general public. Corn is a grain; not a veggie. Not sayin’ don’t use it in your noodle recipe if you love it, but if you want veggies, then consider broccoli or another “green” veggie alternative. Corn just doesn’t have the same vitamin value.

  2. How is it that by reducing water you are reducing fat?

    1. by reducing water you can add 1/2 the seasoning and reduce the sodium not the fat

  3. We usually add browned hamburger to ours.

  4. We do the egg add well. Or veggie is usually baby bok choy. Madly found in Asian stores but also some other stores. Yum! Might just have to try the corn next time.

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