Five Foods to Shorten The Common Cold

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Five Foods to Shorten The Common Cold

Five Foods to Shorten The Common Cold

When you first develop a cold, the last thing you usually want to do is eat anything. Your symptoms can cause you to want to crawl up in bed and not move for days. While rest is certainly important, continuing to eat is also vital if you are able. In fact, many foods can shorten the lifespan of your cold and even help with your horrific symptoms. Here are five foods that should be part of your cold-fighting kit when it comes calling:


This tasty yet pungent food can do all kinds of good things for your body when you have a cold. Garlic can slow down mucous and help to reduce or eliminate congestion because it contains allicin. Allicin is a natural anti-bacterial found in this delicious ingredient.

Pink Grapefruit

Grapefruits contain something called flavonoids and they are a powerful weapon in the fight against infection and inflammation. This is a welcome break from the horrific symptoms one gets with a cold. Grapefruit does a great job of easing some of the more frustrating symptoms and can be really good for a sore throat in particular.


Fish of all kinds, especially tuna, salmon, haddock and others contain omega-3 fatty acids. These awesome acids can battle inflammation and are thought to contain all kinds of other medicinal qualities as well. Delicious to eat in a million different ways, fish can also make you feel a whole lot better when you have a common cold.

Chicken Soup

Grandma might be on to something here. Chicken soup is proven to make us feel better and it certainly has to do with our minds as much as any chemicals or science. Chicken soup does have some cold fighting ingredients, but the best part is simply the soothing nature of sipping a hot bowl of soup when you have the sniffles and a cold. Our moods are powerful allies in the fight against being sick.


Try this incredible chicken soup recipe that is made in the crock pot. Perfect for a cold!



Vitamin C is well known as a cold fighting friend and you find people drinking orange juice for it all the time. Why not have some broccoli and get a little substance in the mix? The beauty of broccoli is that it can be used in a million different ways. If you are not a fan of the taste, chop it up and add it to your chicken soup. Your body will thank you for it.

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