How to Lose Arm Fat

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Lose Underarm Fat

How to Lose Arm Fat

How to lose arm fat can depend on many different things from what you eat to how you move.  Targeting this area of your body will require a little bit of work.  Losing any kind of weight is not going to happy overnight either. Learn how to lose underarm fat forever, and say bye-bye! It will require exercise, building muscle and lowering your fat intake.

Exercise or strength training will not get rid of those jiggly arms alone.  Diet is just as important. Check out these arm toning workouts below.

Weight Lifting and Exercise For How To Lose Arm Fat

Lifting Weights Is A Great Arm Exercise

Lifting weights is a great way to tone up those arm muscles and lose underarm fat too. Probably the most efficient arm exercise there is. You want to be very careful not to start off with weights that are too heavy though.  Start with 2 to 3 pounds if you are a beginner.  If you are a bit more advanced I would suggest using 5 to 8-pound weights.  You will want to build muscle first.

Reverse Fly Exercise

Try the Reverse Fly exercise.  Grab a pair of dumbbells, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.  Bend forward while letting your arms hang straight down.  While using the muscles in your back, raise both arms outwards as you squeeze your shoulder blades together.  Return back to the beginning position.  That was one rep.  Perform about 15 to 20 reps to make one set.  Do two to three sets three times a week (every other day).

Tricep Extensions

Next you can try the Lying down Triceps Extensions.  Lie down on a bench.  Hold the dumbbells straight above your head with your palms facing one another.  Bend your arms downward towards aiming just above the top of your head.  Pause slightly and then bring your weights back to the starting position.  That was one rep.  Perform about 15 to 20 rep reps to make one set.  Do two to three sets three times a week (every other day).

Bicep Curls

Lastly, I incorporate Biceps Curls into my workout.  Hold a pair of dumbbells at your side with your palms facing away from you.  Slowly lift upwards towards your shoulders without moving your upper arm.  Always point your elbows downwards and to your side.  Slowly lower the weights back down to your side.  That was one rep.  Perform about 15 to 20 reps to make one set.  Do two to three sets three times a week.

How to Get Rid of Arm Fat

Remember, exercise and building muscle is not the only way to lose underarm fat.   You also need to know what to eat.  Stay tuned for another article on exactly what you should eat to burn fat. I hope this helps you to learn how to get rid of arm fat, and not worry about your arms.

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