How to Organize a Christmas Gathering

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When you have a Christmas gathering, stress can quickly take over if you are not careful. Here are some keys to making sure it goes smoothly.

How to Organize a Christmas Gathering

Putting together a Christmas gathering for family or friends takes a little bit of planning and some know-how.

Getting everything in order so your loved ones can get together and celebrate Christmas isn’t difficult, but if you follow some of these tips it will certainly be easier.

How to Organize a Christmas Gathering

Pick a Date and Time

You may not be able to plan a gathering for Christmas day, which means you will need to pick another date that works. Whether it’s Christmas Eve, the day after Christmas or some other time during December, it’s still a Christmas gathering!

Consult your calendar and if you need to, check with a few of your expected guests to make sure your chosen date and time will work. You may not be able to choose a date that will work for everyone but you should be able to schedule something that will work for the majority.

Choose a Location

You will need to decide where gathering is going to be held. You can choose your home or another friend or family member’s home, or you may need to rent a location.

Check with local schools, fire halls, civic groups, and even churches for potential locations to rent. You will need to find out about regulations for gatherings wherever you choose.

If you hold your party at a home or apartment, you will need to make sure there are no covenants or rules that prohibit the gathering or limit the number of people.

Choose a Menu

Will your gathering include a full meal or just a selection of finger foods and desserts? You may choose to have your get-together catered or you can ask guests to bring dishes to create a potluck if you are planning a full meal.

If you want to skip the elaborate meal and opt for finger foods and other snacks, you may choose to provide all of it or ask guests to contribute.

Plan Your Decorations

Decorating for a Christmas get-together is easy enough. You can choose your own collection of Christmas decorations or enlist a few family members or friends to help you out.

If everyone contributes a little bit to the decorating, you shouldn’t have to spend money on extras. Don’t forget a tree, lights, garlands, and of course, mistletoe!


Will there be gifts at your Christmas gathering? You can instruct guests to bring a $5 gift for a grab bag exchange or for a fun party game, tell everyone to bring a “White Elephant” (used) gift to exchange.

If there will be children at your gathering, you may wish to provide a small gift for each kid or ask each guest to bring a child’s gift. If you know someone who can dress up like Santa Claus, ask them to put in an appearance to hand out gifts to the kids.

A Christmas gathering is a staple for the season. Plan yours and enjoy putting it all together as you look forward to spending holiday time with loved ones.

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How to Organize a Christmas Gathering

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