Organize my Media Center (and getting a bit of extra cash too)!

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Organize my media center

Organize my Media Center (and earning cash too!)

The one most neglected part of my house is the media stand.  I need to organize my media center but I need to get rid of lost of stuff too.  My youngest is 8 years old already.  There is no need for Barnie (that annoying purple dragon) in my stock!  I happily passed those on to a friend that could really use them.  Those dvd’s were like gold to her!  lol…

Some of my games, dvd’s and even music cd’s I thought were pretty useless.  I mean, I don’t even use cd’s anymore, do you?  I have all my music on my iPhone.  I also have a few games the kids have played and beat.  These games are done.  Never to be used again.  I am removing so much clutter and it feels great!!!  What doesn’t feel so great is how much money was put into these games, dvd’s and music.  They are overpriced when they come out and then when you try to trade them in for a new game (that is again overpriced) you get next to pennies for it.  My kids still want the games.  Most we buy in the store but more and more we are starting to buy the downloads too.  Less clutter!  Yay!

I am stuck with multiple useless discs and I don’t want them to go in the trash.  I could take them back to the game store but then my kids (and even my husband) would just be tempted to purchase something new.  I tried thinking of a craft with the possibility of saving some of them from the landfill but I found something way better!  WAY BETTER!  I learned all about how to get money for your unwanted cd’s, dvd’s and even games They will give you money for your unwanted cd’s, dvd’s and even games!  Here’s the best part…  you don’t have to take them anywhere!!!



Here’s how it works:

Head over to

Enter the barcode number on the case of your unwanted disc.  (there’s even an app available for the iPhone and Android so you can just scan it if needed!!!) will quote you immediately an amount for that disc.   You choose if you want to sell it or not.

Last step- send the items for free using the shipping label they ship to you!  How easy is that?!!!!

Finally you get a check in the mail.  (I’m doing my happy dance!!!)

Tip:  There’s a minimum of 10 items and a maximum of 500.

I just scanned my first 3 items and I am already up to $10.25!!!  LOOK!!!

Organize my media center

I can tell you that gave me more for that cd than what I paid for it at a garage sale!!!  Now that’s frugal living!!!

Organzie my media center

Thanks MusicMagpie for helping me get a bit of extra cash while I continue to organize my media center!

**This post was sponsored by MusicMagpie but all opinions and experiences are my own**

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