Seven Creative Uses for Pantyhose

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You will be amazed when you see all the creative uses for pantyhose that are out there. Here are seven of the coolest.

Seven Creative Uses for Pantyhose

When it comes to pantyhose, most people are pretty streamlined in their thinking of what they are for. What is amazing is that there are literally hundreds of uses that people come up with all the time. Pantyhose can be used in diverse ways! Here are seven of the coolest pantyhose hacks I have come across so far:

To Take Creative Photo Shots

If you put pantyhose over the lens of a standard digital photo, you get some pretty interesting shots. Considering there are many different colors of pantyhose out there, the possibilities are endless.

To Clean Slick Surfaces/Dust

If you need to dust your home, you would have a tough time finding something more effective as a duster than pantyhose. Simply slip it on and wipe away. The surfaces seem to push the dust onto the pantyhose.

Nail Polish Remover Cloth

Apply a dab of remover and then wipe that polish away. It is the perfect material to get a bit of loosening power without being harsh at all. Pantyhose is the perfect cotton ball replacement.

Exfoliation With Soap

All those old slivers of soap that usually end up making you fall or being thrown away can now be used! Place them in the foot of a pair of hose and then tie it off. You now have a perfect exfoliation rag to work on those dry areas. It is not too harsh but still will do the trick.

Shoe Shining Cloth

Shiny shoes are a breeze with pantyhose. It is a trick that Army soldiers have used for years to shine up those boots for inspection. If you want a fantastic pair of shoes that look like new, whip out the old pantyhose and get to shining.

Under Jeans Warmth

No matter how old, torn or aged your pantyhose are, you can still wear them under jeans for warmth. Nobody will ever see them anyway. Many men that work in cold weather climates wear them under their uniforms for warmth as well. Snowboarders talk about it on their message boards as a great solution too.

Shoe Deodorizer

Pack some coffee grounds in the foot of a pantyhose sock and then tie it off tightly. Ball it up and place it in shoes for a nice smelling freshener. You will be shocked at how much it will help foot odor if you replace it in the shoe when you remove them. Change it out every now and then to keep the smell tip top!

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