Low Carb Mushroom Omelet Muffins

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This Low Carb Mushroom Omelet Muffins recipe and post was created as part of the #MushroomMakeover 30 day Weight Loss Challenge.  I am a financially compensated blogger ambassador for the Mushroom Council.  All opinions are 100% my own and based on my own experiences.

Low Carb Mushroom Omelet Muffins

Low Carb Mushroom Omelet muffin recipe

I can’t tell you how excited I am to have been chosen The Mushroom Council AD and Mamavation to be part of a #MushroomMakeover 30 day weight loss challenge.  This challenge allows me to substitute all or part of meat products in my meals for a healthy result!  I’m not happy to say that I could stand to lose fat in some places on my body.

I love mushrooms so this part comes easy to me.  I didn’t realize just how healthy mushrooms can be.  I also didn’t realize how many different types of cultivated mushrooms there really are.  This may be called a challenge but I feel as though I am in for a treat!

Mushroom Makeover

Feel free to join me in this challenge if you dare!  Here’s the challenge:

  • Use mushrooms in at least 4 recipes of any meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) in one week.
  • Follow the Mamavation fitness plan designed my Mark Segedie, AKA @MrBookieBoo
  • Follow healthy eating habits by our monitoring Dietitian, Corinne Dobbas.

Fitness Plan/Exercise:

Just before getting accepted to this plan, I had already committed to a twice a week boot camp program.  The boot camp program is nothing compared to Mark’s fitness plan.  I actually incorporate both of them.  For me, the exercise part is my biggest challenge.  Mark gives YouTube links to all the moves which makes it super easy to follow.  I’m not gonna lie, week 1 was hell on earth!  The circuit is only 4 items but you must complete it 4 times.  You will alternate between a Burn It, Build It, Mama Guns, Core and Cardio routines depending on what week you are in.  You will feel it in the morning!  It definitely works!  Thanks Mark!

Healthy Habits:

Now onto the food part.  This is my favorite part!  I love all kinds of foods but I really love mushrooms.  This challenge is not just about changing your food but it’s also about changing your mindset.  This was a huge eye opener for me this week.  Corinne has taught me so much about healthy eating and water intake.  For example, I used to never eat breakfast.  I learned you need to eat within one hour of waking up to jump start your metabolism.  I always thought I was just not a breakfast person.  Basically, I was putting my metabolism in starvation mode.  I actually had hunger pains between 10am and 11am!  This is a sign that my metabolism is working again!  Yay!!!  I never thought I would celebrate a hunger pain.

Another big learning lesson for me was water intake.  I learned that most of us are dehydrated constantly.  Make sure you are drinking enough water through the day, everyday.  Here’s a tip that I use:  Set your phone to remind you to drink water.  It really helps.  Corinne tells me that if your pee is yellow then you need to drink more water.  Now I understand what she is talking about and I am sure to have a tall bottle of water near me at all times!

Mushroom Recipes:

This week I enjoyed every meal I made.  There was one day where I barely had a chance to make a meal and I made a very easy salad.  That proves you can still do this on super busy days too.

Here’s what I substituted mushrooms for in my meals:

Mushroom Makeover Meals

Low Carb Mushroom Omelet Muffin

These low carb mushroom omelet muffins are the best!  This is one of the best breakfast recipes I’ve ever had!  These actually make me want to eat breakfast!  I have made two big batches this week because the whole family loves them.  My kids grab them from a baggie in the fridge and eat them cold!  Get the printable recipe below.

Raw Mushroom Salad for Lunch

I used romaine lettuce, squash, walnuts, cranberries (with no sugar added) and mushrooms.  I topped it off with a light raspberry vinaigrette dressing which paired nicely with the cranberries.  This was my super fast dinner one night.

Sauteed Mushroom Salad

This was a bed of spinach lettuce covered with red bell peppers and grilled mushrooms.  Super easy to make and fast too.  I love fast meals.

Grilled Salmon with Mushrooms

I love fish of all kinds.  I added a side of grilled mushrooms and onions instead of my normal rice or potatoes in this meal.  You will notice lots of spices on this one.  I love using the McCormick Grill Mates Montreal steak seasoning.  It goes good on almost anything!  I can eat tuna without mayo if I use this seasoning.  It’s got big chunks of peppercorn, sea salt and roasted garlic which I love.  Notice it’s on my mushrooms too.

I’m going to experiment even more next week with blending mushrooms into even more recipes!  Check out this video on blending mushrooms called blendability! Wow! I’m so inspired to get real creative now.

Low Carb Mushroom Omelet Muffins

Low Carb mushroom omelet muffins that are absolutely delicious and keep nicely in the fridge when you need a fast breakfast to grab and take on the go.
2 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 24 minutes
Total Time 39 minutes
Course Breakfast
Servings 12


  • 1 tablespoon Canola Oil
  • 1/2 cup yellow onion diced
  • 1 red bell pepper diced
  • 8 ounces mushrooms diced
  • 1/2 cup yellow squash diced (or a favorite veggie of your choice)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • 3/4 cup Mozzarella cheese


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Spray the 12 cup muffin tin with non stick cooking spray.
  • Saute the onion, bell pepper and mushrooms with the oil in a pan over medium heat until soft.
  • In a separate bowl, combine the eggs, egg whites, skim milk, seasonings, squash and cheese and mix. Then add the sauteed mix to the egg mix.
  • Mix the ingredients well to make sure all the ingredients is evenly distributed.
  • Pour 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the mixture into each muffin cup.
  • Bake for about 22 to 24 minutes or until it's cooked through.

Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy.

Tried this recipe? Mention @ISaveA2Z or tag #KetoFriendlyRecipes!

Here are a few photos of our Low Carb Mushroom Omelet Muffins recipe ingredients and process:

Mushroom Omelet Muffins Recipe Ingredients

Low Carb Mushroom Omelet Muffin

These yummy omelets hold up nicely in the fridge too.  You can make a big batch ahead of time and warm them up the next morning if you are short on time in the mornings like I am.  Kids love them!  Shhhh!  Don’t tell them there’s veggies in there.

Low Carb Mushroom Omelet muffins to go

Stay tuned for week 2!  I’ve got plenty more meals planned!

What are your favorite mushroom recipes?

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  1. All your recipes for this challenge look so good!
    Congrats on being part of the #MushroomMakeover project!

  2. Hi! I enjoyed comparing notes on Week 1 – glad I’m not the only one who really felt the effects of the Week 1 fitness plan! I’m definitely going to keep mixing up breakfast with some vege cups!

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