Prayers for Connecticut today… #MyHeartIsBroken

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Photo Credit:  Shannon Hicks/The Newton Bee

As I watched the news today tears rolled down my face as I imagined the fears that were faced in  the small town of Newtown, Connecticut.  It has been confirmed that 18 children have been killed and 8 adults.

The world has come to a stand still as these event details are unfolding.  I heard one report of a teacher that told her children to cover there eyes as they walked out of the school to the safe zone so they would not see the horror left behind.  This report keeps playing over and over in my head.

These events affect us all.

Today’s events are certainly a reminder that life is precious and I plan to hug my babies a bit tighter tonight as I am sure all of you are too.

There are no words that can express the sorrow I feel for the Families, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Law enforcement, EMS Crew, Firefighters and the community as a whole as they face these events.

My prayers go out to all those affected by these events.

I found a really good article about How to talk to your child about violent events in the new here that I thought would be helpful.  It’s a good read and perfect information that will be needed today.

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