Best Plants to Grow in a Family Garden

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Best Plants to Grow in a Family Garden

Growing a family garden is often done for the youngest members of the family, and they are usually the hardest to keep engaged in the garden once the task of waiting begins. In any family garden, the flowers that you choose need to be fast and long bloomers, so that there is always something to look at. It is also important that the flower choices are staggered to bloom when other plants have begun to fade, ensuring that the flower or vegetable bed is never entire dying off at the same time.

Best Plants to Grow in a Family Garden

If you are planting a family garden, of any type, there are several flowers that work well to fit the needs of the youngest to the oldest family members eager to see their garden thrive. Try any of these flower and vegetable choices in your family garden.



Zinnias have become the staple flower for children’s gardens, mostly because they are easy to grow from seed or transplant, but also because they grow fast, big and have these incredibly beautiful blooms in a wide variety of colors. Add these to any flower bed, whether you are planting a flower or vegetable garden because they have the ability to add beauty and attract beneficial bugs because of their beauty.


Tomato Plants

Tomatoes are a great family garden option, and like flowers they can be added to a vegetable garden or even placed in a flower bed. If you are vegetable gardening with the family though, add plenty of these plants, in different types so children can see how much variety there can be with a single type of plant.



Any type of melon is a great addition to the family garden, vines have a way of spreading out over a wide area filling in empty garden beds with color and interesting vine trails. Choose melon plants according to what your children and other family members want to see growing, anything from cantaloupe to sugar baby watermelons can be sown as seed and grow to fill up as much space as it is given while putting out some incredible fruit for the family to enjoy.



Sunflowers are the sun’s best friend, forever trying to reach it and turning to face the sun as the day goes. If it takes a lot to impress small children, a few sunflower seeds dropped into the ground can do the job. Make sure you leave plenty of growing space for any variety, and they definitely need full sun. If you have a single garden bed, plant them towards the back because they will block anything out that they are placed in front of.


Green Peas

Traditional green peas, or even snow peas are a great garden choice, no matter what type of garden you are planning on growing this season. Opt for vine growing pea plants that will crawl and cover whatever structure or garden elements that you place them next to.  These should be planted from seed and resewn in two week intervals so that there are always pea plants producing.


More Information on Gardening:


Be sure to check out our Raised Garden bed and Daisy Garden posts! I think you will like them! We have a huge category of gardening information found here too.

One of our favorite gardening books is the All New Square Foot Gardening, Second Edition: The Revolutionary Way to Grow More In Less Space

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One Comment

  1. Virginia Oth says:

    Hi! Love this site. I am hoping to build the raised garden using the cinder blocks at a shelter for battered women. Hope it works.

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