Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

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Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is much more than just a funky looking plant. The health benefits of aloe vera may make it the ultimate in natural health and healing. Whether you use it externally or take it internally, this little plant can mean great things for your body. Check out these things that aloe vera has to offer.

Good for Your Skin

Aloe vera is excellent for your skin — whether you’re dealing with acne, rosacea, a burn, or some other type of inflammation. As a topical application, aloe is very soothing to inflamed skin and can help rejuvenate it.

Detoxifying Qualities

The juice from an aloe vera plant is just packed full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and all together create a wonderful cleanser for your body. It can promote good digestion and help the body get rid of waste as well as reduce inflammation in the body — making it a natural detoxifier.

Digestion Support

Do you have digestion issues like IBS or Crohn’s? Aloe has healing properties that can soothe the pain and inflammation that these digestion issues cause.

Immunity Support

Polysaccharides help boost the immune system and keep it on track and aloe vera is crammed full of these polysaccharides. When the body is overloaded with inflammation it can lead to plenty of trouble for the immune system and result in conditions like Crohn’s disease, eczema and asthma. Aloe vera can help reduce inflammation, boost immunity and ultimately prevent conditions that result from inflammation and lowered immunity.

Helps Lower Blood Sugar

If you suffer from obesity and diabetes, take note: Aloe vera has been shown to help reduce blood sugar levels.

Packed With Vitamins and Minerals

The juice from an aloe vera plant is full of vitamins and minerals that help your body function properly and promote great health. Aloe vera is packed with potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 vitamins and even folic acid. How’s that for a shot of goodness?

Promotes Hair Growth

All of those vitamins can promote healthy hair growth. So if you’re trying to grow your locks out, add a little aloe to your diet and see what happens!

Whether you choose to take aloe vera as a juice that you drink (you can drink it on its own or mix it with smoothies) or you use it as a topical ointment, the health benefits can’t be denied. You can grow your own aloe vera plant or you can find aloe vera juice at health food stores and in the healthy supplement department of most grocery stores and pharmacies. Give aloe vera a try and enjoy all the great things this amazing plant can do for your body!

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