Easter Bunny Bread Recipe

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Easter Bunny Bread Recipe

Easter Bunny Bread Recipe

Easter is on it’s way already! What can be better to get you ready for it’s arrival than a new recipe? Here we have our Easter Bunny Bread Recipe! The kids will LOVE it! Building this cute Easter Bunny here is easier than you would think, and the instructions are below in the recipe! Don’t be afraid to get creative, too! This recipe and tutorial could be good for more than one occasion, depending on how you use it! Looking for some other great recipes? Try out our Weight Watcher’s Banana Bread, Red Lobster Copycat Biscuits, or even our Hash Brown Casserole!

Be sure to check out these Gluten Free Bread Recipes too!


Easter Bunny Bread Recipe

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  • Spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray.
  • Cut off 3/4 of first loaf to make body. FOrm into an oval and place about 1 1/2″ from bottom of baking sheet (to leave room for legs).
  • Take remaining 1/4 of first loaf and form into oval for bunny’s head and place just above and touching body.
  • Cut off 1/4 of second loaf and then split that piece in half. Form each of these into 12″ long ropes. Double each over to form ears. Put in place and tuck loose ends under head on each side.
  • Cut about 1″ portion of the end of the remaing loaf and then take 1/5 of that and form a ball for the nose. Split the rest in half and form each into approximately 1″ disk for each cheek.
  • Put cheeks and nose in place. Add 2 raisins for eyes and 2 almond slices for teeth.
  • Take remainder of loaf and but into 4 rectangles. Put in place for arms and legs just touching body. Cut 2 slits at the end of each to make fingers/toes.
  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • Cover and let rise for 30 minutes.
  • Whisk egg in a small bowl, then brush entire surface of bread.
  • Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Cut out a hole in bunny’s body to hold dip if desired.

Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy.

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Easter Bunny Bread Recipe

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One Comment

  1. The bunny bread is so cute

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