Glow In The Dark Easter Eggs

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Glow in the dark easter eggs

Glow in the Dark Easter Eggs

This Easter try something a bit unique with glow in the dark Easter Eggs!   This would be a  super fun idea for the kiddos!  You could even make it a hide and go seek game in the dark!  Inside or outside!

I ended up getting all the stuff I needed from the Dollar Store too!

Here’s what I used:

  • 5 pack of bracelet Glow sticks (They have a really good deal on Amazon here)
  • Plastic Easter Eggs (any size will do)


First you will crack the glow sticks to make them glow.  Then tie the glow stick bracelets in a knot and fit them in each Easter Egg and then hide them!

Glow in the dark easter eggs
Glow in the Dark Easter Eggs
Glow in the dark easter eggs
Glowing Easter Eggs

If you are looking for other Easter ideas here are some posts that have been pretty popular so far!  Just click on the photo to get to each post:

Easter Ideas
Easter Chick Cupcakes
Easter Cookies Tutorial
Easter Bunny Nail Art Designs

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  1. I can not get the glow sticks to fit in the eggs!

    1. Make sure you are using the smaller ones that I reference. The big ones won’t bend link the necklace ones do.

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